I am so very glad I hired Justine to capture my birth. I will treasure the photos and videos she captured forever. One of the best “purchases” I’ve ever made. If you’re on the fence, do it!
Sierra Adorno

You are about to have one of the most amazing days of your life, the day you meet a stranger that you mysteriously love more than words can describe.
I imagine years from now, you will sit your child in your lap on their birthday and retell them the story of when you met as you show them the pictures and video. You will point out how tiny their hands were and how they have their father's nose. You will giggle at their little yawn and marvel at their first cry and they will ask you to tell them the story over and over again.
As a mother of 7, I know how fast the time flies and how special those first moments are. In a flash they are are but whispers in you memory. When I am at your birth, I am constantly thinking, What will she want to remember when she looks back to this moment right now?
With the eye of an artist and the heart of a mama I would love to be a part of your birth team!

I met Justine to discuss doing our birth video the DAY I went into labor. A few hours later we were calling her on the way to the hospital, and she was there for the entire birth. Justine is the type of person that you can meet and feel like you know that same day. She cares deeply about what is most important, pays attention to detail, is incredibly creative, and both empowering and full of peace. When we watched our birth video it embodied all of those things above and it was like I was there all over again. Capturing that experience can only be done once and we will truly cherish it forever. I will make sure Justine is there to capture every single one of my births to come!
Kelci Mukisa

Justine gave me one of the most wonderful gifts that I can now relive as many times as I want. To have your child’s birth film is so special but to have it made with such love, care, and devotion is a whole new level. Tears are brought to my eyes every single time I have the privilege of watching my daughter’s birth video and I am so grateful to have it thanks to Justine. The way she edited the film and photos was so thoughtful. Her presence was so appreciated during my labor and you can tell she has a real passion for all things birth and her talents with photography is like no other.
Heidi Wood