A lot of times we think that once a mom had given birth she will birth in a similar way each time. But that just isn't always the case. Some babies like to have their own birth story to be completely unique to themselves and that is what little lady wanted for her story.
Molly's first birth was 6 hours, which is quite fast for a first birth. We all thought surely this one would be quick as well. I had just gone on call for Molly that day. I text her like I usually do to let her know that I was officially on call and that I would be checking in with her each week if I didn't hear already just to find out about any new symptoms that might point to labor. She replied that nothing was happening currently and she would keep me updated.
I never expected to get a text that evening that she thought she might be in labor! Surprisingly she had started having intense contractions. I drove to her house, thinking that if it turns out to be prodromal labor its no big deal and its especially nice that I was only 15 minutes away from her. I got there before her midwives because they were at another birth. Molly seemed so calm and peaceful and since getting up out of bed her contractions seemed to lighten up a bit.
Shortly after I arrived, a different midwife came over. Unsure if this was the real deal or not, Molly asked to be checked. She was already 5 cm! Excited we all began to unpack and settle in thinking there would be a baby soon! Molly went back to her bed where the contractions were the strongest while Pauline and I set up for her to have a water birth. All was quiet in the house. In hind sight, I should have rested then. I was so worried that at any moment baby was going to be ready to shoot out and I did not want to miss it! Randi with Family Tree Midwifery arrived, so thankful they too didn't miss it. We started to fill up the birth tub while Molly continued to labor in bed.
Molly came out to the living room to get a change of position and scenery hoping things would finally really pick up. Her contractions kept coming but they didn't seem to have that intensity that you usually see in active labor. Soon the sun was up and so was her son, Cactus. We all felt bad watching her moving around getting Cactus food and picking him up but at the same time, she needed the movement to help pick things up! She got silly with Cactus doing squats and dancing with him. It seemed like he could tell that something was different about today.
When Molly first went into labor she told her sisters and mom who live in Southern CA. They couldn't get on a flight until the next morning and everyone was bummed that they were going to miss it but the morning came around and eventually a knock at the door and they made it! They brought so much joy and life into the house. They hugged, laughed, and cried with Molly. She breathed through contractions and they stayed nearby always ready to offer encouragement or any help she needed.
The morning rolled on into the afternoon. Eventually the midwives checked and Molly was at 9cm. She was so close! Matt, Molly fiancé was so amazing, always by Molly's side. He was whispering encouragement and rubbed her back. They were so romantic. She melted into his touch and they way he looked at her with all the amazement in the world was just...uh! She swayed and danced, squatted and rested. She moved around in the tub, got out and laid down, and got up and moved all around. Molly moved with her body and baby.
Late afternoon, Molly was back in the tub and things were getting emotional. The midwives and I were getting excited because when the emotions come, that usually means so is a baby! She was back in the tub with Matt by her side. At one point she reached down and could feel the baby's head. The midwife checked and there was just a small lip of cervix left, she held it back while Molly pushed and it soon melted away. As Molly was pushing the midwife could feel a little hand next to the head, and the head was posterior, meaning it was facing the front instead of the back which is ideal. Randi pushed the baby's hand back as Molly pushed and the baby turned all the way around to face the right direction right as she began to crown! One more big push and soon the baby was out and coming up to meet her mama!
No one knew the gender so Molly looked and said "Its a girl!" Everyone was emotional and happy! Molly was so relieved! Big brother had come home with Grandma while Molly was pushing so he got to come and meet his sister almost right away. And all of sudden it was like he grew 10 years!
The birth was so different than I think any of us were expecting it to be but it so incredibly beautiful. Navy was so precious and just decided she wanted her own story to tell. After everyone was settled in bed and Randi started her newborn exam Navy looked as though she didn't even know she had been born. She was curled up like in the womb and was asleep with the most serene look on her face.
Midwives: Family Tree Midwifery
Justine is a birth photographer/filmmaker and doula in the greater Knoxville area, serving Maryville, Greenback, Madisonville, Loudon, Lenoir City, Oak Ridge, Fountain City, Townsend, Sevierville, Strawberry Plains, Gatlinburg, etc. Justine is passionate about physiological birth the way God designed it and thus specializes in home and natural births. Interested in hiring Justine for your birth, click here to get in touch.